Friday, September 23, 2005

(B)rain Waves

The rains are back. I was of the opinion that I had witnessed and experienced all that I had to with the Mumbai rains. But as fate had it, it was not to be. This time around I had a very different experience. Day-before-yesterday, while I was travelling back from office it started raining heavily. I wore my rain-coat before alighting from the bus (how shrewd?), but forgot to wear my bag inside the raincoat (how dumb?) - Mistake #1. The thought having a book inside my bag made me remove the raincoat to wear it over the bag again. What a move? Rains pouring like hell and removing the raincoat just like that - Mistake #2. Another brilliant stroke of mind made me do the 3rd mistake of the day. I started running towards the nearby shade to stand underneath and wear my raincoat in peace. The mistake was not the running part; it was failing to remember that the pavement had a layer of fungus over it. So I was forced to do what one of the villains did in "Home Alone II - Lost in New York". I was doing a skiing kind of action (in the same place) trying to balance myself in the slippery pavement. After few seconds I eventually fell down, my head narrowly missing the side of the pavement. After managing to get back on my feet I was about to do the biggest mistake of all when a friend shouted that I was heading for an open manhole. So the story missed the climax, probably because I was required to essay it on my computer rather than spending days at the nearby hospital.

In the morning I found that I was not the only person to have been affected by the rains. The roads have been affected so much that the bus ride is proving to be a cheap substitute for a roller coaster ride. Seems I can forget for sometime about reading novels during bus rides.

Pondering over.... Even after many replays of the incident in my mind I'm yet to figure out how I managed to get injuries in my right forearm and left knee at the same time.


Blogger Heidi Kris said...

hey ram.. badrama poirukamaata.. seri ipo epadi iruku? take care..

24 September, 2005 02:58  
Blogger Ram said...

u should consult a detective to know more about the injury spots :P...take care dude!

26 September, 2005 07:20  
Blogger Jammy said...

ippo ok

I guess an astrologer will be better suited for the job than a detective ;)

26 September, 2005 09:53  
Blogger Heidi Kris said...

Ram if my counting is correct.. this is ur 100th blog!!

=D> Congrats on that :)

28 September, 2005 12:12  
Blogger Jammy said...

No, this is my 102nd post. Anyways, thanks for the wishes

28 September, 2005 13:27  
Blogger Heidi Kris said...

oops again i guess i missed the two posts..

Ur template change has confused me a lot !

28 September, 2005 13:57  

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