Confusing Code
It is a bit confusing. If the church is against the Da Vinci Code, then the book should have been banned in the first place. When the book, which would definitely be more detailed than the movie (See: Code is damned at Cannes), is allowed to reach everyone, then why is the movie being held-up? The movie seems to have no problem in Europe and the US where the majority of people are Christians. Why is there such a hue and cry only in India? I read somewhere that the only Christian country in Asia is the Philippines, and that the movie has not been banned there.
It is even more bizarre to ask for a disclaimer to be put at he beginning and end of the movie. I have never understood the purpose of disclaimers. Once in an interview, Shekhar Kapoor was asked about the issues he faced with the censor board for his movie "Bandit Queen". Shekhar said that he was asked to put a disclaimer in the movie stating that it is not a true story, and he did not mind putting it as people already knew that it was a true story! May be the disclaimers are there just to point to historians that the story is not to be cited anywhere
The only reason I see the movie being protested against is that children might learn history in the wrong way (or is that the right way?) through the movie. But then, to my knowledge, the movie has been ‘A’ rated and so is out of “harming” children.
It is even more bizarre to ask for a disclaimer to be put at he beginning and end of the movie. I have never understood the purpose of disclaimers. Once in an interview, Shekhar Kapoor was asked about the issues he faced with the censor board for his movie "Bandit Queen". Shekhar said that he was asked to put a disclaimer in the movie stating that it is not a true story, and he did not mind putting it as people already knew that it was a true story! May be the disclaimers are there just to point to historians that the story is not to be cited anywhere

The only reason I see the movie being protested against is that children might learn history in the wrong way (or is that the right way?) through the movie. But then, to my knowledge, the movie has been ‘A’ rated and so is out of “harming” children.
I think Dasmunshi wanted to watch the movie before everyone else did and hence the issue has reached such heights. Vetti pasanga.
I waited so much for that movie and nothing's gonna happen now! So disappointing!!!
Similar opinion there ...
Sensor board is going to take the decision...
This is a land were minorities rule majorities(remember reservation) ... so USA example is not valid... Heh
And long time no news ... n check out my blog
Much Ado About Nothing..actually,they r generating negative publicity for the I guess there will be a rock and roll sales of pirated copies..down in the back alleys!
Our country (at least the govt) is not secular. It is multi-communal. By giving the issue attention, the govt itself gives reason for different groups to protest.
I watched the movie, Most people will say oh not so good as the book, Well I will say they have done justice to whatever they could. And nothing about the movie is a blasphemy for it to be banned. Well I kind of agree with Ravi and Meghjanmi that we just focus on the problems rather than finding a solution and unnecessarily make an issue out of nothing.
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