From text to Life - Harry Potter
I never feel like reading books of which I have seen the movie. This statement holds true for Harry Potter. Though most of Potter's fans around me exclaim that the books are of a different genre compared to the movies, I never felt like reading the books after watching the first 2 parts in the big screen. I went to watch the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" with the thought that I'll be the most ignorant among my group of friends with respect to Harry Potter. But surprise awaited me at the theatre.
First, the "text to life" title that I have given to this blog does not only signify the making of the movie from the novel. It also signifies my meeting with some of my online friends. Frankly, after meeting them I didn't get the feeling of having met someone new may be because I have got to know them after many months of chatting.
Getting back to Potter, the movie began in a grand way with amazing graphics. For once, it made me happy that I was watching the movie in the big screen and not on pogo channel
But as the movie progressed, things changed. The graphics that followed did not create the awe that the initial graphics aroused, though the ones in the first and second challenges were well made. Also, the story changed from that of a thriller to that of a children's movie in the middle part. I didn't get the logic in few places like the first challenge where the dragon maneuvers across the side of a building to get the strangled Potter. Did the dragon forget that it could fly? I also didn't get the role of the initial world championship in the movie. Later my cousin told me that the print version of the book has a clue coming out of the world championship. I'm not sure if the director forgot to put the clue in the movie, or if I missed it. One more thing that surprised me in the movie was the number of Asian characters in it.
On second reading, the above description of the movie seems to suggest that the movie wasn't good. I'm sorry about that. The movie is in fact a nice time pass. It is just my anguish of not having read the book that is showing off in the previous paragraph. Throughout the movie I was of the feeling that I was missing something by not reading the book. After all, they cannot condense a 700 page novel into a 2.5 hour movie without missing quite a few nuances. Alas, the thought of having to read 6 books in the series will anyways not let me go near them.
First, the "text to life" title that I have given to this blog does not only signify the making of the movie from the novel. It also signifies my meeting with some of my online friends. Frankly, after meeting them I didn't get the feeling of having met someone new may be because I have got to know them after many months of chatting.
Getting back to Potter, the movie began in a grand way with amazing graphics. For once, it made me happy that I was watching the movie in the big screen and not on pogo channel

On second reading, the above description of the movie seems to suggest that the movie wasn't good. I'm sorry about that. The movie is in fact a nice time pass. It is just my anguish of not having read the book that is showing off in the previous paragraph. Throughout the movie I was of the feeling that I was missing something by not reading the book. After all, they cannot condense a 700 page novel into a 2.5 hour movie without missing quite a few nuances. Alas, the thought of having to read 6 books in the series will anyways not let me go near them.
Labels: Movie
Nice to have met u ram.. but u seem to be a very very silent guy.. pesave illa :P
hehe sincere post!
btw why didja change those categories!! i liked 'wished they could be more frequent' ... was amusing and apt *grin*
Nice to have met you too. Couldn't talk much because of the movie.
Reverted back. Happy?
finally technology and fiction brings coherence to ur blog..long live haria puttar
yes yes! very happy :P
As I said earlier, bringing coherence is not something that I am intent on doing. Even otherwise there are lots of my blogs where you'll find coherence.
btw, who are you?
Glad to hear that
Not bad for someone who hadn't read the book...btw Jam, movie nanna irundudu illa? ;) :P
I didn't find Jam silent and all di.
Hey da,
Kept ur promise and blogged first on HP :D .. the other two of us r yet to do tht :p
Man, nice one again.. a nice movie too, needed such a break from usual senti-filled tamiz movies.. but we can't expect the movie to contain all the stuffs in the book, they'll surely miss something man.. i do accept the film could have been made more coinciding with the book, but still something is better than worse :p
they cannot condense a 700 page novel into a 2.5 hour movie without missing quite a few nuances
but given that a picture is worth 1000 words and that one second of a movie has about 50 frames(or pictures) and the movie was 2.5 hours long and that one page of a book has about 25 lines of 10 words the math and u'll see that 2.5 hours of a movie can say more :D - seri, romba kadichutten ;) - nice to know u guys are having fun without me :((
"Not bad for someone who hadn't read the book" - Thank you
"I didn't find Jam silent and all" - that's because we were chatting on the way back. I didn't get to talk to Sri that much. Otherwise she too would have got to know that I'm a chatterbox.
naanga kudutha poruLayum, kudutha vaakkayum thiruppi vaangarathe illa :P
Read ->
We'll have more fun when you come to India.
Jammy better read the books, you'll be able to criticise the movie better. :P
But you sure are missing something, infact lots, by just watching the movies. Don't get put off by the size of the books, they are surely more interesting than the movies.
Me too (just like M.E.) jealous of the fun you are having. :(
M.E. has reasons to be jealous. You? No way. You have attended so many meets man.
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