Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Reservations - Why not?

The immediate effect of the reservation issue seems to be the split of our society based on caste (Check: Split in IMA over quota issue. Let me not get into debating directly on whether the quota system is good or bad. Let me assume that it is something to be implemented (though I definitely am in support of the notion against it). If reservation is to be implemented in the top institutes of India, I believe the politicians would be fair enough in implementing it in all layers of education.
I have heard that some of the top tier colleges in India shred the students who form the bottom few percentile of academics every year. I am not sure of this but let me assume that it is true. Then that means that reservation has to be introduced even for the students being left-off every year. If suppose a college of 300 students leaves 1% of its students every year. That means that 3 students have to be made to discontinue their course each year. If we implement the 50% reservation system here, that would translate to 1.5 students of the reserved category being thrown off. As is obvious, half a student cannot be dismissed. Since 50% has to be implemented, the number of "reserved" seats would be approximated on the upper side and so would be 2.That means that exactly 2 students of the reserved category would be sent home every year. Right? Well, not exactly. In the admission reservations, the high-scoring candidates are let-in on general category and only those who could not fare that way are shown the reservation option (hearsay and not something that I can prove). So even in the reservation for people to be dismissed, the lowest scorer would automatically take the general category slot to be thrown-out i.e., a minimum of 2 reserved guys would be shown the door. How does that sound? If it sounds bad to you, then I suggest that you re-look at the whole reservation issue.


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