Novel Novels
I am not a regular reader of novels, but I do read once in a while and enjoy whatever I'm reading. In the past few days I got to discuss about books with some of my friends. Most people seem to have a favourite author whose books they read voraciously. That made me wonder who my favourite author is. The surprising fact is that I don't seem to have read more a single book of the same author!!! The list of all the novels that I've read in the last few years (couldn't remember beyond that
) looks like this:
Currently I'm 25% through John Grisham's "The Brethren". All novels by different authors. How unique?
But it has never been a conscious decision to read different authors all the time. I've just read the books that I could get. Ofcourse there have been books that I got and still didn't complete. Books like "The New New Thing" by Michael Lewis, and "Hannibal" by Harris Thomas weren't my kind. There have also been books that I liked a lot, but couldn't complete because of other circumstances like exams, assignments etc. "Liar's poker" by Michael Lewis, and "A Killing on Wall Street" by Derrick Niederman fall in this category. I hope to read them sometime in the future.
The books that I wish to read in the future are:
The day of the jackal (Frederick Forsyth), Liar's poker (Michael Lewis), The Monk who sold his Ferrari (Robin Sharma), Life Of Pi (Yann Martel), Angels and Demons / Digital Fortress (Dan Brown), Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)

Airframe | Michael Crichton | |
The English Teacher | R.K.Narayan | |
The Game | Eliyahu M. Goldratt | |
Fountain Head | Ayn Rand | |
The Devil's Alternative | Frederick Forsyth | |
Why didn't they ask Evans? | Agatha Christie | |
Animal Farm | George Orwell | |
Rich Dad Poor Dad | Robert Kiyosaki | |
Da Vinci Code | Dan Brown | |
To Cut a Long Story short | Jeffrey Archer | |
Sphinx | Robin Cook |
Currently I'm 25% through John Grisham's "The Brethren". All novels by different authors. How unique?
But it has never been a conscious decision to read different authors all the time. I've just read the books that I could get. Ofcourse there have been books that I got and still didn't complete. Books like "The New New Thing" by Michael Lewis, and "Hannibal" by Harris Thomas weren't my kind. There have also been books that I liked a lot, but couldn't complete because of other circumstances like exams, assignments etc. "Liar's poker" by Michael Lewis, and "A Killing on Wall Street" by Derrick Niederman fall in this category. I hope to read them sometime in the future.
The books that I wish to read in the future are:
The day of the jackal (Frederick Forsyth), Liar's poker (Michael Lewis), The Monk who sold his Ferrari (Robin Sharma), Life Of Pi (Yann Martel), Angels and Demons / Digital Fortress (Dan Brown), Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)