Timely Presence

While leaving for Indore, I told my dad that I am one of the few who always reach places well in advance. I had reached my interview center about 3 hours earlier for the IIMI interview; I had come to Indore about a week early while joining here.... I don't remember instances when I've been late. Maybe I need to change. I'm now here couple of days before the convocation, and it’s not exactly interesting. But starting off early does have its advantages.....

I boarded the Karnataka express day-before-yesterday evening. My peaceful sleep in the night came to a halt when I dreamt of getting my shoes out of the bureau in Indore. Oh my god, I have left the keys back home. Sometimes my memory seems to work better while sleeping!!! A sudden flash of mind suggested that I can call my parents from some station in-between and ask them to send the key through a friend who was coming a day late (Actually, he is on time. It’s just that I am early). A staff of the IRCTC gave the information that the train will stop for 10 minutes in Solapur which will arrive in few minutes.
The time is 6:45. I better have a late breakfast as I might miss Solapur while eating.
The time is 8:15. The train hasn't stopped anywhere in the past 1.5 hours. Have we lost Solapur? Guess I'll have to shift the "late breakfast" to "no breakfast"
8:30: Ah! Solapur at last. I get down as soon as the train stops and ask for a phone. Good grief! No phones in this platform? I keep-on asking the gentlemen in the platform till one guy says "You will miss your train if you go for the phone now. There is a STD booth in the Daund station that will come at 11:00. You can call from there". I get back into my compartment. The anxious wait continues. Will I be able to inform my parents in time?
11:00: Here is Daund. I get down and search for the phone booth. Good news - There is STD facility here. Bad news - the booth is at the other end of the platform. I've been contemplating for some time about taking up running to improve my fitness. But never did I imagine that I'll be running in a platform so hard.

Cursing myself: If only I had remembered to take the key
Pat on the back: Keep up the habit of starting early. Or else, there would have been no one to get the keys after you!!!
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