6 Months!!!

Frankly, I never expected this day to come. No, I haven't won an award or something of the sort. It's just that my blog has completed 6 months of existence. For something that was started JLT, it has survived pretty well.
The evolution...
First blog
This blog was started just because I needed a login ID to put a comment on a friends blog

First Week
I'm anyways not going to continue with it. So why bother to inform anyone?
Second Week
hmmm. I've put couple of my poems in here. Let me inform some of my friends who like poetry.
Third Week
May be I can write prose as well...

End of The First Month
So I do have the steadiness to continue something for over a month. I'll put my blog address as my yahoo messenger status.
End of The Second Month
College is over. No more free 24*7 internet facility. No more blogging

Begining of The Third month
Ok, I can type things offline and connect to the net for few minutes to just upoad them. Gosh! I'm addicted to this blog stuff

Begining of The Fourth Month
I am not that busy to stop blogging. May be I should continue. New place, new situations.... lots to write about.
Months 4,5 and 6
Regular updations and constant increase in the number of blogs that I visit. It's now a part of my life

For all those who have tolerated my ramblings over this period, thanks and please keep visiting

iaaa.. I am first... I aint sure i wud be blogging at the end of 6 months :)
=d> Congrat Ram!!
Btw i guess this is ur 74th post :)
Great work ram!! Keep writing :)
Yeah i remember the days when u started bloging :)
The way u r going, 6 months should be no big deal for you.
Thanks. It is my 78th post. btw, how did u get the count?
:| Count paninen ram :)
I missed the numbers when the templates of ur blog changed :-s
OT : lets see.. But how do u get these smileys
u can lemme know thru my shoutbox
Vettiness-in ellaikke poitta. Not that I'm anywhere behind :D
I'll write in your shoutbox.
Congrats Join the bandwagon; I didnt celebrate my semi anniversary though. Actually unlike you I didnt even think this far :D
Keep em Rolling
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